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A Jumble is more than just wood...

Every jumble sold helps raise funds for the fight against homelsessness and provides job opportunities to lower unemployment rates.



What is a 3P Business?


A 3P Business is a business that is a business for Profit, that is committed to the Purpose of helping the People in the communities in which it makes its profit.

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A business that is for profit.  A business that wants to do more than just earn; they also want to support and give back to the community that supports them.



A business with purpose.  Committed to the purpose of creating financial steppingstones for those who without would be no profit.



A business for the people.  Helping people that are consumed by poverty prominently due to lack of opportunity.

Why it Matters      


It matters because our communities need more than non-profits to stand against the increasing issues that are affecting all of us. 


     Most of the stumbling blocks we see or hear of about the homeless, unemployed, or both, are created and sustained from the lack of opportunities to have a steppingstone in creating for themselves a better life. 3P businesses are businesses that are committed to making a profit while embracing a purpose. 


       Committing to the purpose of creating financial steppingstones for those in their communities that play a part in their profit.  Jumble Firewood LLC is setting the example by being the first business for profit being committed to the purpose that serves the people.   Become a 3P partner by placing Jumble Firewood LLC product at your place of business.

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